The human mind is a complex, mysterious place filled with thoughts, ideas, and emotions.
The conscious mind is that part of your mental processes that you are aware of.
It’s what you think about throughout the day, such as the job interview or test tomorrow, or what your friends did over the weekend.
Your subconscious mind is another part of your mental process that operates below your level of conscious awareness.
The subconscious mind is an essential part of our mental processes; however, many people misunderstand what it is and how it functions.
Understanding the differences between the two parts of your mental processes will help you leverage their strengths to achieve greater success in life.

Dr. Joseph Murphy’s “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind“
Dr. Joseph Murphy was a British-American psychologist, author, and frequent lecturer on the subjects of self-help and self-improvement.
He is most famous for his work in the field of self-improvement and his books on the power of the subconscious mind.
He published more than 30 books in his lifetime and wrote articles for magazines including Reader’s Digest.
Dr. Joseph Murphy’s The Power of Your Subconscious Mind will give you insight into how to tap into the untapped potential within you.
Dr. Joseph Murphy explains that the subconscious mind is a vast store of information and resources.
It can be used for a variety of different things, including boosting your creativity, helping you to lose weight and feel more confident, and improving your professional life.
He explains that because the subconscious mind responds to the information that is given to it, you can use it to your advantage by giving it positive and empowering thoughts.
This will help you to achieve your goals and live a happier and more successful life, with less struggle and more ease and flow.
What Is the Subconscious Mind?
The subconscious mind is a part of your mental processes that operates below your level of conscious awareness.
It’s what makes driving your car seem effortless and second nature.
It’s also what makes you automatically choose your preferred beverage from the vending machine without thinking about it.
The subconscious mind is responsible for regulating basic body functions, such as breathing and heartbeat, as well as keeping track of your actions and patterns.
The subconscious mind has a set of pre-programmed instructions called “the Autopilot,” which gets activated whenever you’re going through the day without distraction.
The autopilot is responsible for making use of your untapped potential by bringing your goals and dreams to life without effort.
The subconscious mind is the part of your mental processes that you’re not aware of.
The conscious mind is the part of your mental processes that you are aware of.
What Is the Conscious Mind?
The conscious mind is the part of your mental processes that you are aware of.
It’s what you think about and what you use to make decisions in life.
The conscious mind is responsible for keeping track of your feelings, thoughts, and actions. It’s the part of your mental processes that you use to set goals.
It’s also the part of your mental processes that you use to take action and make change happen in your life.
The conscious mind can be trained and strengthened so that you can make use of it more effectively in your life.
When you strengthen your conscious mind, you’ll be able to more effectively set goals, focus on your goals, and deliberately take action towards achieving your goals.
The Importance of Your Subconscious Mind
The subconscious mind is an essential part of our mental processes.
It’s the part of our mental processes that keeps our bodies running smoothly, without any effort from us.
The subconscious mind is responsible for regulating things like our sleep cycles, breathing, and heartbeat.
It’s also responsible for regulating our daily routines, such as brushing our teeth or having a set time for exercise.
The subconscious mind is an important part of our mental processes because it frees up our conscious mind so that we can use it to make big ideas happen.
By programming your subconscious mind with positive thoughts and goals, you’ll be able to make use of your untapped potential.
The subconscious mind is always working. It never stops. It’s always thinking and working on behalf of you.
It can help you achieve the goals that you have set, but you must program it with the right thoughts and images.

The Importance of Your Conscious Mind
The conscious mind is the part of your mental processes that you are aware of.
It’s what you use to make decisions in life. The conscious mind is responsible for keeping track of your feelings, thoughts, and actions.
It’s also responsible for setting goals and taking action towards achieving those goals.
When you strengthen your conscious mind, you’ll be able to more effectively set goals, focus on your goals, and take deliberate action towards achieving your goals.
The conscious mind is like a muscle in the sense that it grows stronger with training.
By strengthening your conscious mind, you’ll be able to make use of it more effectively in your life.
Using your conscious mind more effectively will help you live a more successful and happy life.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
A part of your mind that is always present, like a computer, is a massive storehouse of information that you are not consciously aware of.
This part of your mind is the computer that stores your beliefs and assumptions.
Your subconscious is a powerhouse of energy that is always at work.
It can help you or it can hinder you.
This is why the power of your subconscious mind is so important.
Your subconscious takes whatever you focus your attention on, and interprets it.
Whatever you spend time thinking about, whatever you dwell on, it is your subconscious that creates ideas, images, and beliefs.
Your subconscious mind is powerful.
This power can be harnessed to help you achieve a happier and more successful version of yourself.
You can use its power to create the life you want.
How To Harness The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
If you want to harness the power of your subconscious mind, you first need to understand how it works.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind explores the various ways in which you can harness the power of your subconscious mind.
Dr. Joseph Murphy explains that when you want to change something, such as a habit or an aspect of your personality, you need to approach it from two angles.
One is the conscious mind, and the other is the subconscious mind.
He explains that the conscious mind is the part of you that thinks and analyzes, while the subconscious mind is the part of you that acts without thought.
He says that in order to change a habit or a part of your personality, you need to start by thinking about it and making a decision.
You need to say to yourself, in your head, that you are going to do something differently.
You need to make a conscious decision to act differently.
When you have done that, you then need to let your subconscious take over and make the changes for you.
3 Things Your Subconscious Mind Does
● Store Information
The subconscious mind is the part of your mental processes where you store information, both good and bad.
It’s a place where you store your experiences, including the things that you’ve learned in life, both positively and negatively.
● Make Decisions
The subconscious mind is responsible for making decisions for you in your daily life.
It’s what allows you to drive your car to work without thinking about every single movement that you’re making.
● Make Patterns
Your subconscious mind is what keeps your daily routines and habits in order.
It’s responsible for making the patterns in your daily life that you don’t have to consciously think about.
For example, if you brush your teeth every night before bed, your subconscious is responsible for making that happen.
3 Things Your Conscious Mind Does
● Understands Your Thoughts
Your conscious mind is the part of your mental processes that understands your thoughts.
It’s what makes you think about what you’re doing throughout the day, such as the tasks that you need to accomplish tomorrow.
● Makes Decisions
The conscious mind is the part of your mental processes that makes decisions for you in life.
It’s the part of your mental processes that you use to decide what is right and what is wrong, what you want and don’t want in life.
● Takes Action
Your conscious mind is the part of your mental process that takes action in your daily life.
It’s the part of your mental processes that you use to make change happen in your life.
It’s also the part of your mental processes that you use to take the first step towards achieving your goals.

Subconscious Mind Power
The subconscious mind is a source of power and potential that we all can tap into.
The subconscious mind is responsible for making the things you want to happen in life happen.
It’s responsible for turning your dreams and goals into reality, but you must first program it with the right thoughts and images.
If you want to live a successful and happy life, you must make use of your subconscious mind and its powers.
If you want to live a more successful and happy life, you must make use of your subconscious mind and its powers.
You can tap into the power of your subconscious mind by programming it with the right thoughts and images.
How to Train Your Subconscious and Conscious Mind
If you want to live a happy and successful life, you must make use of both your conscious and subconscious mind.
If you want to make use of both your conscious and subconscious mind, you must strengthen both of them.
If you strengthen both your conscious and subconscious mind, you’ll be able to make use of them more effectively in your life.
This will help you live a happy, successful, and fulfilling life.
There are various ways that you can strengthen both your conscious and subconscious mind.
One way is to practice meditation.
Meditation is a great way to make use of both your conscious and subconscious mind.
It’s a practice that allows you to quiet your mind and make use of both your conscious and subconscious mind at the same time.
When you strengthen both your conscious and subconscious mind, you’ll be able to make use of them more effectively in your life.
This will help you live a happy, successful, and fulfilling life.
A lot of people think of the subconscious as a vague, dream-like place inside them, more like a fantasy than reality.
The truth is that your subconscious mind is a real and active part of who you are and what you do every day.
Your subconscious mind is the source of your automatic habits and reactions, like the way you walk or the way you breathe.
It also controls your body’s “autopilot” functions, such as your heartbeat, blood pressure, and immune system.
Your subconscious mind is where your beliefs and assumptions about yourself, others, and the world around you are stored.
And it is these beliefs that often create barriers to success.
Your conscious mind, on the other hand, is the part of you that thinks, reasons, and makes decisions.
It is the place where you examine the world and decide what you want or don’t want in your life.
When you are fully aware of your thoughts and feelings, and you are able to act on them, you are in your conscious mind.
Join us at Subconscious Retreats for a one-in-a-lifetime experience, with a trained shaman who will walk you hand in hand on this life-changing journey, and help you to harness the true power of your Subconscious Mind & Conscious Mind
Namaste 💫