When you think of a shaman, what images come to mind?
If your ideas are limited to Hollywood or sensationalist news stories, then it’s time to dig a little deeper.
Being exposed to the media often leaves us with an incomplete and one-sided view of foreign cultures, especially when they involve practices that don’t fit neatly into our pre-existing beliefs.
In the case of shamans, their mysterious reputation precedes them.
To understand someone or something, it is always helpful to look at how they see themselves and what their life means to them.
This article will give you an in-depth insight into my life with a shaman and how it changed my life, viewpoints, and my beliefs!

The Journey
My JOURNEY TO SELF, a journey FROM EGO TO HEART full of self-knowledge started soon after graduation when I got divorced and changed my partner, residence, and my job.
I’m no stranger to self-hatred, addiction, rejection of self and life, and self-destruction, including trying to commit suicide.
I have learned that a happy life is not possible without self-love, self-confidence, self-respect self-forgiveness, and acceptance of responsibility for everything in my life.
Loving myself is not possible without accepting all of my “shadows”, exploring my greatest fears, and healing my deepest wounds.
All areas of life reflect our relationship with one’s self.
Not Taught In Schools
However, this is not taught in schools and the current system of teaching further reduces these values in children.
So we come out of school totally unprepared for life and look for the source of our happiness in our partners, our jobs, our money, etc. – just around us.
During my nine years in the school system,
I have also done TCM, Tae-bo, Taichi, Qigong, Yoga, Reiki, Numerology, Kinesiology, Aromatherapy,
Chinese massage, cultivation of female sexual energy,.. but nothing interested me enough to finish or pursue it fully.
But I knew for sure that I couldn’t stay long in the old ego-based system, which doesn’t try to support the talents of children and students but to stifle their self-esteem and intuition.
Toad Medicine Awakening
In the autumn of 2018, Toad Medicine came into my life and stayed with me, I also met Medicineman Enrique.
Finally, everything I had read about or known in the depths of my soul, I experience with every cell, absolute love, light, unity, and simply our true essence.
On my “return trip” I looked at the face of medicine man Enrique and one question crossed my mind: What would life with a shaman look like?
Well, two months later Enrique asked me out and after three and a half years together I can say that there is no room for boredom in life with a shaman
Especially if he is the other half of my soul 🤗
Life With a Shaman

In 2019, I finished my career in school and followed the plan of my soul, I also followed my dreams.
While traveling in Mexico and Peru alongside my sweetheart, I had my first encounter with cacao as medicine and within six months, I organized my first cacao ceremony.
(later I would call it chocolate evenings) in which I was able to use all my experiences and acquired knowledge. I had finally found my true calling!
Many more times I came into contact with various psychedelic medicines, through which I was able to see through many of my illusions.
I also learned that medicine is a wonderful tool to help us awaken and remember who we are, but we have to work on our selfs every day to consciously create a happy life!
I have learned to TRUST THE VOICE OF MY HEART (Soul) and to follow it, no matter what the environment thinks or says.
Not to judge anything with my head, follow my heart and enjoy every experience, (Even If that means leaving my comfort zone).
But the first step was to CHANGE Things WITHIN ME! and I decide not to continue down the path of the Ego because I knew I would never be satisfied.
Through this journey, I came to a liberating sense of deep gratitude for everything and everyone in my life.
I have become a woman who LOVES LIFE, knows how to enjoy the present moment, and accepts all that the Universe brings to me with reverence and humility.
Now I’m aware of my true nature, and at the same time, I have strong roots in Pachamama.
My Experiences
My experiences (not only from Mexico and Peru), can be a hope for you, a light in the tunnel, inspiration, or serve as already trodden tracks.
Which could help you to start creating your heaven on this planet earth!
My work is about holding a safe space, turning our attention inward, opening our hearts, about restoring in us the basic values for a happy life.
Self-esteem, self-love, and self-confidence is about restoring sanctity to our bodies,
Femininity, Masculinity, Sexuality, Relationships, life, and death through self-knowledge.
What I can offer you in Subconscious Retreats?
Kundalini Yóga and other exercises, Craniosacral therapy, chocolate evenings
(Cacao ceremonies), safe space by ceremonies, couching of work with your body, mind, internal world, emotions, sexual energy, relationships

Chocolate evenings are an enjoyable form of self-discovery, an awareness of one’s true nature.
It’s a playful way to face your fears, shadows, wounds, old agendas, and beliefs, to easily learn how to work on yourself and how to become the creator of your life.
Maybe my ceremonies, workshops, or therapies can help you too to start to CONSCIOUSLY
create your Heaven on Earth, Whilst having your human experience!
Namaste 💫
Written By Kamila Kokešová

Learn More Here..! About Our Ceremonies @Subconscious Retreats
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